5. Corporate affairs and community

5.4 Internal Communication

The area has as its main goal to constantly define the image of the company behind closed doors, aligned with the general set out strategy. It also works as a link between its different sections, promoting the dialog and exchange of information between areas, workers and interest groups, simplifying access to content.

Project Support

2015 was a year in which Internal Communication strengthened its links with key areas, through support in the drafting and carrying out of communication strategies for different projects. Shared Services, Economic Financial, Human Resources, Innovation and Management of Knowledge, Risks, Industrial Safety and Information Technology are just a few of the internal customers we worked with throughout the year, with satisfactory results and providing learning for all parties.


As usual, we provided communication support to the Board of Directors and the decision-making areas of the company in order to deliver key messages to workers in the best possible way.

The communication of various activities, undertakings or benefits for members of the company was another constant work axis in the area. The collaboration with ANCAP's Medical Department, which carries out numerous activities promoting reflection and healthy habits, stands out, with key dates.

Media management

We continued to manage the available internal media, at the same time as we analyzed potential improvements or new implementations to make information duly available to the relevant parties. Sending out notices, updating the internal website, boards and signs, leaflets, and the making of new issues of the internal magazine Enfoque were a constant throughout the year.