5. Corporate affairs and community

5.2 Social Responsibility

The actions carried out by RSE are based on the commitment to introduce the Ten Principles of the Global Compact in the strategy and operations, in regards to human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption, to which ANCAP adhered in 2006. We adhered to the UN Global Compact Uruguay Network in 2010, becoming part of the Board of the UN Global Compact Uruguay Network in 2015, with the role of focal point for the Uruguay Network through ANCAP's RSE's central office.

Within the framework of values and commitments taken on by the company, RSE deals with the supervision and coordination of different documents which are drafted towards transparency: the progress report for the UN Global Compact (COP), the report on sustainability and Business Social Responsibility Index (IRSE).

Internally, we interacted with different areas of the company to incorporate RSE'S concepts and practices as part of the methodology in daily management.

Community Relationship Policy

In November 2015, the Community Relationship and Social Investment Policy was approved. It is aimed at creating trusting relationships with the community through dialog and transparency.

These policies frame the way we relate to society in general and with the communities located in the influence areas of our plants and ventures that will be based on socio-environmental impact studies to define the actions on a local level.

For social investment, we will consider the development of sustainable projects, whether supporting specific actions on a local level or through alliances with other organizations. We will prioritize collaboration on company products and disuse equipment.

Community Relationship

Regarding infancy:

We carried out talks in the RSE and Exploration and Production areas in different schools, as well as workshops within the framework of joint activities with the Museo Del Carnaval (Carnival Museum).

We provided support through an agreement with the National Children's Football Organization (ONFI) in order to encourage sports in children.

We also provided considerable support to the Uruguay Crece Contigo program through an agreement signed with the Planning and Budget Office, in order to reduce the socio-sanitary inequalities of families made up of pregnant women and children under 4, with a national reach.

Related to the close community, we transferred property on a precarious gratuitous loan to Institución Club Boston River, which carries out sporting activities for the children that attend the club located in Manga, close to one of our plants.

National reach programs:

We supported the SINAE (National Emergency System) in different ways in order to assist in emergency situations.

We supported the Ministry of Social Development through an agreement to provide our products for social programs and institutions.

With the Ministry of Defense/Antarctic Institute we contributed to the development of scientific and research activities and the functioning of the Artigas Base in Antarctica through an agreement.

We were part of the Canasta De Servicios program, providing support in management and logistics by coordinating the deliveries of LPG and gas appliances.

We made donations to several organizations up to a total of $13,527,041 in 2015.

Together with other institutions with which we have permanent communication, such as the National Rehabilitation Institute, Polo Industrial Santiago Vázquez, we had our institutional New Year's cards made by inmates. We agreed to transfer property on a precarious gratuitous loan to the Treinta y Tres' police department for them to set up Community Police office close to our plant in that department.

RSE's Best Practices

Since 2012, ANCAP has participated and obtained awards at RSE'S Acknowledgment of Best Practices, organized by DERES. In 2015, we submitted the “Programa Desarrollo de Proveedores” together with the Supply Management Office with the goal of improving the management and abilities of our suppliers through the incorporation of RSE practices.

Quality of Life Program

It aims at promoting quality of life, integration and participation of the people that work at ANCAP, through activities in and outside of the company. With these activities we aim at improving the physical, mental and emotional health of the workers.

In 2015, we continued to work with the stable choir, theater and runners (TROTANCAP) groups. In the same way, we supported a group of workers from the Paysandú Plant that set out to participate in the 4th edition of the Women's 5k Race in the Department of Paysandú.

We also continue to have and agreement with Socio Espectacular that provides workers with access to several types of cultural and sporting events.

Like every year, we celebrated International Women's Day with activities and tributes to ANCAP's female workers, together with the RSE and HR areas and Federación ANCAP, holding activities in Montevideo and Paysandú. In the same way, we organized a Three King's Day party together with HR and FANCAP in Montevideo and Paysandú that included over 400 children in total.